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Inspire, encourage & influence

A few months ago I birthed a new idea. I held the first Shine Gathering. Shine Gathering is a rally call/team huddle of dynamic female Christian professionals. We are from secular and Christian environments; gathering to inspire, encourage and expand our influence to effectively point people to Jesus. Shine Gathering was created to motivate Christian women to bring our influence, value, relevance and relationships to secular environments through strategic collaboration and action. Our mission is to shine and amplify the love and light of Jesus into a world that desperately needs Him and to maximize the opportunities and influence and access we already heave. There is no sales pitch or hidden agenda. We believe this is an important conversation and we want to invite more voices into the conversation. So I set the table and made it happen.

Something beautiful happens when women collaborate, cheer each other on and lift each other up. We shine!

I took this picture in Huntington Beach the first week of January when this idea was beginning to form. The power, strength, beauty and grace of the ocean waves provided a picture of what Shine Gathering can be. My prayer is that the wind of the Holy Spirit will guide us as we reflect His light to the world. If you want to learn more about Shine Gatherings, contact me.

Shine Gathering OC Launch


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