There is never a good time for bad news.
There is always something to be grateful for.
We have bad news and we are grateful.
Pathology results came back. They found cancer in the ovary that was removed. The ovary was dead so the Dr. said 98% chance of no cancer. Well, I’m the 2%. Thankfully, the uterus had no signs of cancer. He may have removed all of the cancer cells but we don’t know for sure.
So, chemo begins in 2 weeks. Once every 3 weeks, for 6 cycles. Another surgery will happen after chemo to remove the remaining ovary and anything else that might lead to cancer.
We are shocked and still processing. As we stumble forward into this new reality we will take the next indicated step and try not to jump into the future. When we jump ahead we create an alternate reality which leads to anxiety. Reality produces enough anxiety - we don't need to add to it. We are thankful it was found, it’s stage 1, and for an incredible Dr. with a good treatment plan.
The girls are handling it well. They are resilient and brave. We are finding our way on this new path - together. In 2020 we celebrated Covid opportunities- good things that we never would have experienced without Covid. Now we look for cancer/chemo opportunities. We will look for the good and praise it - as my Mom used to say.
Cancer will not be the focus of 2022. JOY is my word for the year. Our family plans to squeeze every ounce of beauty + goodness from this journey. I intend to be in this moment instead of rushing to get it all over with.
In this moment, I’m good. My family is healthy + deeply connected. We have amazing doctors, insurance, and a plan to be cancer-free. Our tribe is like no other, overwhelming us with love, care, and support. Thank you for continuing to pray and share your strength with us. I’m blessed beyond measure and overflowing with gratitude.
Some moments/days will suck. It won’t be delightful. We will hold on to God and each other and make our way through.
I will be sharing more about this journey on my blog (you found it) if you want to follow along. It helps me process my thoughts + feelings and maybe you will find some encouragement for the challenges in your life too. God always has treasures in the trials, let's find them!
With respect, a request. Please don’t send recommendations for treatment, tragic stories, or advice. Reality is overwhelming as it is. Sifting through more information leads to analysis paralysis and isn’t helpful. Words of support, encouragement, prayers, Bible verses, and stories of LIFE + healing are always welcome.
Thank you, beloveds.