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Awe + Wonder

I LOVE words. I'm an over-talker, long-winded e-mailer, avid reader, and I have words as decor throughout my house. But, I'm left speechless after every Mending the Soul.

Mending the Soul is a 3-hour retreat for women. This was the 6th one I've facilitated at my home church in the last 5 years. Mending the Soul is difficult to describe because there isn't anything like it. It's something to be experienced.

This time 90+ women arrived desiring to encounter God. It was a room filled with open hearts and minds, receiving my words and activities to connect with themselves, God and each other. Absolute BEAUTY.

Souls arriving cluttered, empty, exhausted and overwhelmed. They stopped the hustle of life to be still with Jesus, their feelings and what is true about them right now. They let go of their grip and bravely dived into activities that stretched them and revealed things below the surface of their lives. After a few hours they were visibly transformed. They were less weighed down, more grounded, the light of Christ was visible in their eyes, and you could sense the transformation that had occurred. Hearing how they encountered God leaves me in awe and wonder every time. Their souls were mended and nourished.

I’m undone after each Mending the Soul. Undone by God’s amazing grace to use a wretch like me to speak life into His daughters. The grace of God to use the delivered to deliver, the freed to free, and the healed to heal all because of Jesus. May I never miss the awe + wonder of His epic redemption story in my life. Or His power, presence and grace to use me to help women experience their own epic redemption story.

It's time to expand Mending the Soul beyond my home church. My church offers two weekend retreats and many Women's events and Care & Recovery options. There are churches that aren't able to provide any. I would LOVE to share Mending the Soul with The Church - The Bride of Christ that is deeply undernourished in her soul.

A 3-hour retreat for women to nourish, heal and mend our souls.

@bloomingfaithministries @mendingthesoulevent #bloomingfaithministries #mendingthesoulevent


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