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Good Friday, Easter & Cancer
This year I connect with the Easter story in a whole new way. It’s been on my mind for months. God, what is your purpose in having me...

A Little Yes Can Lead to Healing
A “little yes” can lead us on paths beyond our imagination. In my case, a path of healing + calling. Join me on your journey!

Who are you listening to?
Encouragement isn't limited to in-person gatherings and it certainly won't be shut down by Covid. Let's point each other to truth + hope.

Waking up grumpy
This morning I woke up in a grumpy mood. Sadness and weariness about Covid-19. Discomfort because I disappointed someone. Grief as I...

1. Get it done. 2. With a good attitude. Our newest family mantra. Both are expected. Get it done. We have to get stuff done. Stuff we...

Imposter Syndrome, Insecurity + Self-doubt
Release what is no longer serving you to receive the abundant life you were created to live. A faith-based presentation for women.
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